School Policies Directory



In the Salina Diocese, no child, regardless of religious affiliation, whose parents desire to enroll him/her in any Catholic school which possesses capacity for additional students shall be denied admission to that school on the basis of race, color or national origin.

Parents who do not belong to St. John the Baptist Parish and wish to enroll their children at St. John’s School, must make arrangements with the pastor and school principal, prior to enrolling.

Prior to admission, students may be given a screening evaluation.

Catholic schools that charge tuition may have tuition assistance available for those families that are in financial need. While no Catholic child should be denied entrance based strictly on financial need, it is the parent’s obligation to seek financial assistance where available.

St. John’s school is financed mainly through a parish subsidy. Thus any parent who wishes to enroll their children will be asked to pay a $150 per month fee in lieu of weekly church contributions.

The entry age for students in the Catholic schools of the Diocese of Salina shall conform to Kansas state law. Any child who attains the age of six years on or before the thirty-first day of August of any school year shall be eligible to enter first grade.

Based on our philosophy that Catholic Schools has been established to provide an environment of faith, which brings all of life together within the grace and love of God, we have established the anti-bullying policy set forth.  The Salina Diocese Catholic Schools, of which St. John’s belongs, views bullying as unchristian behavior, and it will not be tolerated.  We define bullying as an act which:

1.    Repeatedly hurts another individual either-

a.  Physically (such as pushing, hitting, kicking, spitting, or any other use of violence, taking items from, forcing to do something, unwillingly), etc.

b.   Verbally (such as teasing, name-calling, sarcasm, threatening, spreading rumors), etc.

c. Indirectly ( such as excluding, being mean, tormenting, using hurtful, gestures, making hurtful written comments), etc.

d.   Through the use of technology ( such as cyber bullying – using technology to hurt others through any communication device such as e-mail, cell phone, camera, chat rooms, text messaging, or websites), etc.

2.    Is deliberate and sustained

3.   Is intended to isolate, hurt, or humiliate another individual

4.   Is unprovoked.


The goal of St John’s Catholic School’s anti-bullying policy is to ensure that all students experience a safe, Christian environment that is conducive to learning.  The following steps will be taken when dealing with bullying incidents:


1.    Isolated or initial incidents which do not constitute bullying will be handled by the teacher in charge at the time of the incident.  Depending on the severity of the incident, the principal and/or parents may be notified.  Disciplinary guidelines set forth in the school handbook will be followed.


2.    Whenever possible, any incidents which may constitute bullying should be reported immediately to the teacher in charge at the time of the incident.  The teacher in charge at the time of the incident will immediately deal with those involved in the incident.


3.   In some cases, students may choose to report the incident to a different adult in the building, such as their homeroom teacher, a secretary, or the principal.  If so students are encouraged to report as soon as possible following the incident(s).


4.   The principal or teacher in charge should be made aware of any bullying incidents.  Students engaging in bullying behavior will be disciplined according to the school discipline policy.  Depending on severity and length of incident, parents may be notified.


5.   If the bullying does not cease after the student has been disciplined, parents will be notified and other action will be taken according to the school discipline policy.


In addition to the above outlined steps, anti-bullying policy requires the following:


1.    Staff members of St. John’s Catholic School should:

a.  Remain alert to signs of bullying and act promptly and firmly against it according to the school’s discipline policy


b.    Report incidents of bullying to the principal or teacher in charge, who will determine if further disciplinary action should be taken, and/or if parents should be notified.

c. Offer support and encouragement to students being bullied, including notifying parents, principal, and/or support staff as needed.

d.   Encourage all students to refrain from bullying behavior, and encourage reporting of any bullying behaviors they witness.



2.    Parents of St. John’s Catholic School students should:


a.  Report concerns of bullying behavior to their child’s appropriate teacher as soon as possible following the incident(s).  If concerns are not handled sufficiently at this level, a report should be made to the building principal or teacher in charge.


b.    Support the school’s anti-bullying policy and actively encourage their child to avoid bullying behavior.


3.     Students of St. John’s Catholic School should:


a.  Report incidents of bullying they witness to the teacher in charge at the time of the incident, or to another staff member as soon as possible following the incident.


b.    Whenever possible, stand up for the student being bullied, and refrain from joining in bullying behavior.

c. Treat others with the respect and dignity that is expected of any Catholic school student.

There is no asbestos in St. John’s School.

All teachers have received the required workshop on Blood Borne Pathogens as required by law.  The school conforms to all state regulations in this regard.

Absence disrupts the continuity of a student’s instructional progress.  When absent a student loses the benefit of classroom discussion, presentation and participation that cannot be made up, even if the student makes up the work of that class.  Therefore, students should not miss class except for serious reasons.


  Acceptable excuses are illness, doctor appointments, family emergencies and family pre-approved trips that cannot be taken at any other time.  St. John’s student body will not attend funerals on a regular basis.  Students will be excused for the funeral of a close relative or family friend.  They will be counted tardy if they miss up to two periods and absent either a half or full day if they miss more than that.


  Unacceptable excuses are shopping trips, babysitting, hair appointments, work (exception for parents in an emergency) and personal business that could be taken care of outside of school time.


  When a student knows in advance he/she will be absent, that student should get permission and assignments before the absence.  Each time a student is absent he/she is required to bring a written note signed by the parents stating the reason for the absence.  St udents should not be sent to school if they have a fever or show symptoms of a communicable illness.  We ask that students are kept home until they are fever free for 24 hours.  Teachers and school staff may not dispense any drugs to students (Kansas State Law) therefore; we may not give your students aspirin, tylenol etc.


  Assignments missed while absent should be made up within a reasonable time.  The standard rule used at St. John’s is the same period of time that the student was absent.  Teachers may impose deadlines.  Prolonged absences may play a part in the retention of a student depending on circumstances.


  Punctuality is good training for students.  Tardiness disrupts the order of the day.  Students are expected to be a school by 8:15 A.M.  When a student in grades 6-8 accumulates 3 unexcused tardies, they will be required to spend an 8th hour to make up the time.


Students are expected to be on time for class and to have all the books and equipment necessary to successfully do the work required in that class.   Students are expected to be attentive and cooperative during class and do the work assigned to the best of their ability.  Study periods are given throughout the day.  Students are expected to take home any work that is not finished by the end of the day.


  St. John’s school will use the following grading scale:

  A = 100-95

  B = 94-87

  C = 86-74

  D = 73-66

  F = 65 and below


  Report cards are sent home at the end of each nine weeks.  Progress reports will also be sent at the midpoint of each nine weeks to keep parents informed.  Parent-teacher conferences are held at the end of the first nine weeks.  Parents are encouraged to contact teachers for additional conferences as they see the need.

Regular communication between home and school is a must to ensure the success of students.  Teachers are encouraged to contact parents when they see a problem arise with either a written note or by phone.  Most problems can be headed off by early and frequent communication between home and school.  Parents should also contact parents when they see problems arise. A conference can be set up if needed, but many times just the fact that communication occurs between home and school clears up most problems. This communication should never become confrontational or defensive.  We all need to remember that the success of students is of utmost importance, and positive communication is the best way of ensuring this success.  The principal may be brought into meetings as needed.


The school phone is a business phone and is reserved for the use of the faculty and staff.  Parents should make all the arrangements with students as to where they will go after school, etc. before they leave home in the morning.  In the event of an emergency a message will be taken by the secretary and delivered to the student at a break.  Parents are asked not to interrupt classroom activities for any reason.  Please do your business through the office. 


Students may not leave the school ground without the express permission of the principal, except those who regularly go home for lunch. (See page 4 Lunches)

St. John’s offers a full curriculum of subjects in language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science as required by Kansas Law.  In addition we offer daily religion classes and an opportunity for participation in Mass and other liturgical services.  We also offer courses in computer. Vocal music, band, art, and physical education classes are offered at the public school.

            This institution believes that parents have the primary right and obligation to educate their children and therefore should be vitally interested in what is being offered to their children.  They also have a serious obligation to support the type of education they have chosen for their children.


     A school is judged by the behavior of its students.  St. John’s expects its students to be courteous, well mannered and respect themselves and others at all times.  This is the ideal. 

     We all know that most of us seldom reach our goals completely.  For the efficient running of the school and to preserve an educational atmosphere for those who want to learn, some rules of discipline are necessary.

     Students are expected to conform to the rules and regulations laid down by the classroom teacher for procedures within the classroom.  They are expected to walk from one activity to another in an orderly manner without running, pushing or shoving.  Teachers are responsible for disciplining students who do not conform to the rules.  This may be detention in an 8th hour for not less than 20 minutes after school.  The student in the presence of the teacher must notify parents.  (School Council policy, Nov. 10, 1985)



    Nuisance items such as: toys, cap guns, water guns, radios, tape players, sunflower seeds, candy and gum will not be tolerated.


More serious offenses may require suspension or expulsion for the safety or well being of other students.

1.      In-school suspension:  A student is removed from the classroom, but remains in school isolated from other students.

2.      Suspension:  A student is temporarily removed from school by the principal.

3.      Expulsion:  A student is permanently removed from school by the principal with the approval of the School Council.

Acts of behavior which may be grounds for suspension or expulsion are:

a.       Breaking school rules repeatedly.

b.      Extortion

c.       Willful disobedience (failure to comply with a reasonable request)

d.      Fighting

e.       Intimidation

f.       Open defiance

g.      Possessions, consumption or sale of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs

h.      Obscenity

i.        Possession or use of lethal weapons

j.        Vandalism

k.      Profanity

l.        Use of tobacco products of any kind

m.    Stealing

n.      Temper tantrums

o.      Threats

p.      Excessive unauthorized absences or tardies

q.      Physical or sexual harassment

r.        Sacrilege

s.       Other inappropriate conduct in the judgment of the principal


Students who are out for sports are to be in the building only during the time of practice. Students are not to loiter in the building while waiting their turn to practice or while waiting for a brother or sister.

Our sports program is run through a Cooperative Agreement with Hanover Public School.  Eligibility rules in this school are:

1.                  Students must maintain a 74% average in all subjects.

2.                  The first week a student fails to maintain this average will result in probation for week.  Students on probation are encouraged to seek help after school in the area they are down in.  If they do not do so on their own, they may be required to do so.

3.                  Thereafter that student will be judged from week to week.  A second failure to maintain this average will result in the student being ineligible for the next week.  At the end of a nine (9) weeks period, students will be allowed to begin with a clean slate and the same process will be followed.

4.                  If a student is declared ineligible, they are required to spend an 8th hour to receive help with their class work.  If there is no activity scheduled during that week, they will not be allowed to participate in the next scheduled event.

These rules are over and above those established by the Kansas State High School Activities Association. (KSHSAA)  The same rules of eligibility apply to band, music, speech, and scholastic competition.

Coaches are responsible for students during practice and games.

Students who will miss class time for extracurricular activities are to have all work completed and turned in at the start of the next scheduled class period for that class.


Fire drills will be held monthly and tornado drills three times a year in compliance with state law.  Students should leave the room single file, quietly and orderly.  They should walk fast but not run.  Students, who are disabled or incapacitated by injury or illness, will be helped out by their teacher or some of the older students.


All students are encouraged to form the habit of reading.  Students are given a library period each week for the purpose of checking out and returning books.  Students should return books on time.  Fines will be charged for overdue books. Fines will also be charged for damages or loss of books.

A hot lunch program is offered to St. John’s students in conjunction with USD #223.  Tickets may be purchased for 10 or 20 meals at St. John’s school office. Extra milk tickets may also be purchased.  Lunch prices are set by USD #223 and parents will be notified each year as to the cost.

Application for free and reduced lunches are made available each year at enrollment time.  All families are encouraged to fill out an application whether you plan to participate or not, as this can help us receive federal government funding.  You may apply at any time during the year, so if your family status changes or you feel you may be eligible at any time, please stop by the office and pick up a form.  This information is strictly confidential.

Any student may bring a sack lunch, but the student must eat the sack lunch in the lunchroom at the regular time with the other students.  Students are allowed to go home for lunch if they live close enough to be back within the one-half hour allocated for lunch, and if they bring a note from their parents indicating they are going home for lunch.  One note for the year is sufficient providing they notify the office or teacher on the day they are going home.  Students may not leave the premises to get food at a store or other eating establishments.


St. John’s is dedicated to educating the whole person. Faith, culture, and life are brought into harmony with academic excellence for all, so that our students may live a joyful, fulfilled life with the ultimate goal of eternal happiness.


The building will be unlocked prior to 8:00 daily, but students are asked to remain outside until 8:05 unless there is inclement weather. Students are not to run near the street, or play tag games while outside the building…  Should students be in the building prior to 8:05, students in downstairs classrooms should sit quietly in the hallway outside their classroom until the 8:15 bell rings.  Students upstairs should enter their rooms quietly and sit at their desks until the bell.   School begins at 8:15 with a homeroom period for the purpose of taking attendance and lunch count and making any announcements for the day.  Students who are not here by 8:15 will be counted tardy.

Mass begins at 8:25.  Since students are given the privilege of assisting at Mass, their participation and conduct should be appropriate for this privilege.  When students are involved in mass as servers or readers, they should make sure to dress appropriately .

Classes begin at 8:55 on days of Mass.  Grades 1-5 will attend physical ed. Classes daily at the public school.  Grades 1-5 are given a 15-minute recess in the afternoon.  Dismissal is at 3:30.

All students are expected to leave the premises immediately unless they are in sports practice or in an 8th hour.  Since we are a private institution, our premises are not a public playground.  There is no supervision before and after school.


We believe each student to be a sacred human person, guided through life by the Holy Spirit toward his/her ultimate goal – union with God. 

Therefore the purpose of our school is to provide the students the opportunity to experience Christian community among themselves, with their family, and the parish so that they may live a fulfilled, Catholic, Christian life.

We do all in our power to promote the intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and physical well being of our students.  This is done by offering a curriculum in the sciences, humanities, arts and religion that provides each student an intellectual challenge according to his/her abilities, and by providing a school atmosphere conducive to learning according to the type of subject matter being taught.

We promote each student’s spiritual life by well-planned liturgies, prayer sacramental services, and religious instruction.  We also encourage our students to be active members of the parish through participation in parish liturgies, activities, and service.

We strive to ensure each child’s emotional growth by recognizing the critical importance of his/her development as a person and do all in our power to affirm the sacredness of each person’s self-concept.  We also work for the unity of the family and mutual respect of each member.

We promote physical development by appropriate health and physical education programs.

We strive to develop in our students the skills necessary to become good citizens and valuable members of society, and attitudes of responsibility to oneself and others in the promotion of world unity, authentic justice, and enduring peace.


Learning to dress appropriately is an important phase of a students training.  The first lesson should be one of good health habits and cleanliness.  The second should be to dress fitting the occasion.  Students usually act the way they are dressed.  The third lesson should be modesty.  Modesty is the forerunner of chastity.  Keeping these points in mind the following rules for St. John’s will be enforced.

1.   No tank tops or bare midriff shirts or blouses.

2.   Walking shorts may be worn throughout the year.  Students need to be aware of weather changes.  If they wear shorts and their class is outside for PE or recess, they will be expected to be out with them.

3.   Boys are to wear shirts at all times.

4.   Dress and skirt length need to be at least fingertip length when the person is standing and arms are extended.

Parents should take the responsibility of seeing to it that their student is appropriately dressed.  The administration should not have to send a child home for this reason. 

Each class may have a party during school hours for the following holidays:  Halloween, Christmas, and Valentines Day.  Students may have a birthday treat at a time designated by their teacher.

The purpose of the student handbook is to serve as a guide to the students and parents on the rules and regulations of St. John’s School.  It is our belief that students function better in a structured environment where everyone knows what is expected of him or her.  The policies in this handbook do not supercede the policy of the St. John’s School Council or the policies of the Diocesan School Office.  A copy of the Diocesan School policies is available for review in the office.

A student’s safety to and from the school is the responsibility of the parents.  Students riding bicycles are to walk them on and off the playground and park in the place provided.  Students should use the playground equipment properly.  Students should use the crosswalk when going to the public school for classes or services.

St. John’s conducts a standardized testing program that conforms to the regulations of the diocesan office of education.  This consists Iowa Test of Basic Skills in the fall.  The results of these tests are recorded on the permanent records of each student.  All records are open to the parents of each student in accordance with federal law.  Kansas State Assessment tests are also given to required grade levels yearly.  Students at the fifth and seventh grade levels will also be given the ACRE test.  This test is used to assess student’s knowledge of the Catholic faith.



All electronic and telephonic communication systems and all communications and information transmitted by, received from, or stored in these systems are the property of St. John’s School and as such are to be used solely for education-related purposes.  The use of any software and business equipment, including, but no limited to, Facsimiles, telecopiers, computers, e-mail, the internet, and copy machines for private purposes is strictly prohibited, unless expressly approved in writing by the Principal or Pastor.

Employees, volunteers and students using this equipment for personal purposes do so at their own risk.  Further, employees, volunteers and students are not permitted to use a code, access a file, or retrieve any stored communication unless authorized to do so or unless they have received prior clearance from the Pastor, Principal or his designee.  All pass words are the property of the School.  No employees, volunteers and students may use a pass word or voice-mail access code that has not been issued to that employee, volunteer or student by the school.  Improper use of the e-mail system (e.g., spreading offensive jokes or remarks) or the Internet will not be tolerated.

To ensure that the use of electronic and telephonic communications systems and business equipment is consistent with St. John’s School’s interest, authorized representatives of the school may monitor the use of such equipment from time to time.  This includes monitoring Internet usage of any kind.  This may also include listening to stored voice-mail messages.

St. John’s school provides access to the Internet.  The Internet represents a useful tool for the school in conducting its mission, but like any other tool, it must be used properly.  For purposes of this policy, Internet includes any public electronic data communications network.

St. John’s School has adopted the following rules with respect to Internet usage:

1.       No browsing of restricted-content web sites.  This includes, but is not limited to:  Threatening, violent, or obscene material, pornography, information on bombs, inappropriate language and communications, flame letters and material protected by trade secret.  Use for commercial activities is not acceptable.  Use for product advertisement, political lobbying, unauthorized game playing, unauthorized “chat” or chain letter communication is also prohibited.

2.       No downloading or uploading of non-education related data.

3.      No downloading of application programs without authorization.

4.      No participation in web-based surveys without authorization.

5.      No use of subscription-based services without prior approval.

6.      No violation of copyright.

Employees, volunteers and students are required to sign an Internet, email and voice-mail acknowledgement form (see Appendix A, Form 1).  Employees, volunteers and students who violate this policy will initially be advised of St. John’s School’s objection and will be expected to immediately cease the activities in violation of this policy.  Further similar violations are subject to disciplinary action up and including termination of technology privileges.

St. John's Catholic School

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